Om modeluner, solide fakta og holdninger

About fads, solid facts and opinions

How about products with hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamins , AHA, BHA or perhaps snail slime? Do you get something distinctly good from using it and getting treatments with, among other things mesotherapy and rolling needles over the skin, using infrared or blue light? Guastan? High frequency? Fat freezing? Fillers? Botox? Beef tallow? You hear so much. Mostly no. Yes to i.a. AHA, BHA and vitamins. Advantages must outweigh disadvantages. We'll get to the bottom of it all for you.

All the time, new skin care miracles are presented in the media. The reason you don't see the quarter's media-influenced trends here is that:

Skincare by Men's Room is not fashionable, but based on science and facts. Nor does penicillin become more effective because it is raspberry flavored this week. Roughly speaking. Less is more. Upselling should not be for its own sake.

If there is a team in the science behind it, we are on. Otherwise we are not.

We only sell treatments and products that directly and measurably promote the health of your skin. In respect that the skin is an important organ for your health. Not for experiments without evidence.

We try to collaborate with dermatologists, because with good craftsmanship and well-thought-out products, you can repair damage and prevent skin diseases.

We understand common and more rare skin problems. If we cannot help, we are trained to send you to the doctor.

Being the dermatologist's second in command requires us to be disciplined and serious and not follow fads. Maintains taking skin care seriously and insisting on raising the standard in an industry that is often easily otherwise dictated by monthly magazines and retail cosmetics.

by Men's Room writes submissions and articles for industry magazines and influences education in the profession. We are open to initiatives that make a real difference, but not to a restless hunger for news and gadgets at any price.

Men's Room opened in 1998, and from that day we have been conscious of separating cosmetic fashion from real skin care.

Thorough craftsmanship and targeted use of a few effective products make a real difference to the health of the skin and how it heals and ages.

Your daily effort is most important. Then treatments. Together is optimal.

If you have a targeted, effective and building daily routine, you do not need to add masks or special creams for the neck, eyes, etc.

If you want to know why we recommend a certain type of treatments and ingredients or why we do not, you are encouraged to ask at . We are passionate about communicating skin care and debunking myths.

We specialize in masculine skin and want to help you - by Men's Room.

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